Once upon a time, I spent hours dragging food boxes into my computer room and inputing every part of the nutrition label into the MFP database. Positive: Once it was there, I never had to do that again. Negative: It was very time consuming which is one major reason why I quit logging into MFP over and over have the AMAZING barcode scanner!
Just scan the item you ate and BaBam! Nutritional content already loaded ready to add to your diary. It takes just seconds and has rekindled my excitement for MFP. Seriously, I didn't want to eat anything that didn't have a barcode; I was having way too much fun!But as we all know...I'm Dizzy. So don't expect MFP to last too long in the world of Lizzy.
Here are my nonnegotiables: Two cups of coffee with Powdered Sugar Free Coffee Mate Creamer and Diet Dr. Pepper. Every once in a while, I decide that I need to start drinking healthier beverages and try deleting caffeine from my diet. NEVER a good idea! Yesterday, I momentarily forgot that I'm addicted to caffeine and decided it would be smart to ditch all soda and coffee in place of caffeine-free tea. My compromise was this: Once all the tea in the container is gone, you can have a soda. Sounded smart in theory until the headache set in. My headache started with a dull ache and continued to grow throughout the day. Around noon, I ended up in bed with a migraine and an eye mask to block out light. Did I drink caffeine? No. Idiot me decided to wait it out with Ibuprofen and (you guessed it) MORE tea. Around three, I realized this headache was NOT going away and I broke my caffeine fast with a Diet Dr. Pepper. I was a little annoyed with myself. I had ONE cup of tea left in that dang pitcher. So what did I learn? Don't go cold turkey on caffeine. Tomorrow I'm going to try again, but this time I'm starting my day with two cups of coffee!
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