Hebrews 12:1

Philippians 2: 16 Hold firmly to the word of life; then, on the day of Christ's return, I will be proud that I did not run the race in vain and that my work was not useless.

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Dizzy Lizzy

I've decided to start my first post with my childhood nickname: Dizzy Lizzy. Synonyms for Dizzy include: dazzled, blinded, puzzled, out of control, and muddled. My nickname pretty much sums up my feelings towards two things: 1) weight loss and 2) colors. Yes, colors. I'm so indecisive about both! I simply have a commitment issue and cannot decide on just one. With colors this is easy; I simply say that RAINBOW is my favorite color. (Hence, the rainbow bathing suit from way back when!) However, with weight loss, I seem to be super Dizzy, completely Puzzled, thoroughly Muddled, and occasionally Out Of Control! I've started this blog to be a journal for me; a place where I can keep track of all my thoughts. My desire is to be HOT! Hot has two meanings for me: Honest Open Transparent and Beautiful Healthy and Sexy!
I've decided for 2014 to embrace my inner Dizziness, stop berating myself for ditching a diet after 3 days, and start encouraging myself for the positive choices I make, no matter how little they seem. 


  1. I Admire Your CourageTo Be So HonesT About Your Trials. .

  2. Liz, I too admire the courage it takes to be HOT about your trials! I am sure that you will inspire many with your struggles. We ALL have them!


Thank you for reading my blog. This journey is very personal to me, and I'm rather sensitive. Please only leave encouraging and uplifting comments. Thanks!!